
Wednesday which has some date (I think the 25th)

I have finally enjoyed radiation therapy. It's been a long wait, but it is actually very cool. OK technically it warms me, if my calculations are correct (which is very unlikely) the radiation warms the tumor by about 1/2000 degree centigrade (very likely off by a factor of 1000 one way or the other). The x-ray source rotates in a circle pointing x rays in. The week of "centering" was done to do just what it says -- make sure the tumor is at the center of the circle so it always gets irradiated while the disk of surrounding healthy tissue just gets irradiated briefly as the beem circles centered on the center of the circle which is malignant (see how I illustrated uncontrolled multiplication with a nearly neoplastic repitition of "center"). SO it seems, I am in a good mood. For one thing, I have experienced no detectible side effects. I am also getting chemo -- 2 hours of infusion each Monday and a water balloon slowly pushing fUracil in me all week. The
actual chemo radio will start Monday the 23rd at noon. confirmed. actual tatttoes are imminent update: I am now tattoed

More on CAR T-Cells

I am exploitin my concerned friends by advertizing my random thoughts while you look for health updates. I have two new posts on my ideas about cancer therapy (as opposed to my personal cancer therapy) here and here The posts are all brief and incomprehensible to non-experts. I am very eager to explain if anyone has enough patience to listen.

General state as of October 19th

First as noted in "Tattoo" I should be starting chemoradiotherapy soon The basic diagnosis is not so good as I have rectal cancer with a metastesis in the liver and possible metastesis in the left lung. So far I have received 5 cycles of chemotherapy (oxalyplatin, fUracil, and anti EGFR) with surprisingly good results including dramatic reduction of the size of the liver metastesis and reduction of the size of the original tumor. FInally the complete lack of change of size of the suspect nodule in the lung increases hte hope that it is not cancer.

Hot rod CARS

I am going to exploit my concerned friends by advertizing my random thoughts while you look for health updates. Here is one about immunotherapy of can cer.


I hope to get tattoed Friday 20 October 2023 I never expected to ever get a tatto. I really hope to get zapped with lots of x-rays Monday 23 October 2023, but I will learn more on the 20th.